Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Hardiman-Michael-Authenticity:
Authenticity , 'AUTHENTICITY' is a special kind of self-help book. It combines the reflections of the great philosophers with the research findings of personality psychology and presents what I believe is a deeper and more spiritually satisfying approach to personal development than many of the texts available in the current Mind Body Soul market. It describes the kind of thinking and analysis that is necessary if you are to become reflective and insightful in approaching the bigger questions in your life. In addition, it provides a series of exercises and meditations to help you find and clarify what you need for your own emotional and spiritual growth, And, as a result, may equip you to lead a more meaningful, richer and fulfilling life. Authenticity involves a vibrant combination of the following five elements: Developing healthy self-worth, good decision making, a strong life purpose, nourishing relationships and reflective living. It is written in an accessible and readable manner. , >
Preis: 16.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Understanding Addiction , An innate desire to live life with the least amount of pain and the greatest amount of pleasure leaves each person vulnerable to addiction. For many, the reality of their lives is painful. Difficulties in relationships, insecurities, poverty, social isolation, personal unhappiness, and the pressures of modern living-all foster a mental tendency to deny or escape the awareness of pain and discomfort. This book is a very valuable resource for all those ill-informed about the nature of addiction, the extraordinary ease with which individuals become imprisoned by it, and its complex passage of distortion and destruction in the lives of both those who become addicted and of their families. Its publication is important because it makes simple and accessible what is generally considered to be a very complex is sue. The author, Michael Hardiman, addresses the subject of addiction with great sensitivity, clarity, and thoroughness. He also reaches into the heart of the matter to bear witness to the struggle and suffering of those addicted. The importance of recognizing the unique nature of, and meaning expressed in, each person's addiction, is very well elaborated. So too are the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, as well as the nature of the spiritual quest, and the yearnings and longing for connection and bliss that drive individuals towards the "rewards" of alcohol and drugs. Hardiman explores and examines some of the options for recovery, from self-help programs to the more specialized treatments, with a wide range of recovery options. This book is a clear statement that the care of those addicted should not be the preserve of a few specialists. It offers information and guidance on a wide range of recovery options. This book should prove a reliable and readable resource for the layperson as well as professionals. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 14.86 € | Versand*: 0 € -
The Captured Mind , Ever wonder why good people end up doing terrible things? 'The Captured Mind' explains how our beliefs become a personal ideology that shapes how we treat ourselves and others. It explains how, from our earliest days, we are conditioned into systems of beliefs that, if left unexamined, can dictate the way we live. It also explains how this can be a force for both good and evil. The book also guides the reader to a deeper understanding of how current ideologies, both secular and religious, are having profound effects on the well being of people and society in general. It specifically addresses the way that such ideologies can lead to moral failure, resulting in hatred, aggression and mistreating others. In response to this challenge, it provides practical guidance to help people evaluate these ideologies as well as practical steps for positive change in order to grow beyond beliefs that no longer lead people to live good and productive lives. At its core, 'The Captured Mind' is a call to the reader to take time to understand the ideological influences that are defining and guiding his/her life. It also proposes that as human beings, we all need to develop a personal ideology in order to make it through this adventure called living. In examining our personal ideology, we can face the challenge laid down here, which is to choose and take ownership of a belief system that will not lead us into moral failure. , >
Preis: 19.99 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Debating Authenticity , "Debating Authenticity presents the reader with a rich collection of ethnographic case studies, unpacking the complexity of the concept in various social settings across the globe." · The Australian Journal of Anthropology The longing for authenticity, on an individual or collective level, connects the search for external expressions to internal orientations. What is largely referred to as production of authenticity is a reformulation of cultural values and norms within the ongoing process of modernity, impacted by globalization and contemporary transnational cultural flows. This collection interrogates the notion of authenticity from an anthropological point of view and considers authenticity in terms of how meaning is produced in and through discourses about authenticity. Incorporating case studies from four continents, the topics reach from art and colonialism to exoticism-primitivism, film, ritual and wilderness. Some contributors emphasise the dichotomy between the academic use of the term and the one deployed in public spaces and political projects. All, however, consider authenticity as something that can only be understood ethnographically, and not as a simple characteristic or category used to distinguish some behaviors, experiences or material things from other less authentic versions. Thomas Fillitz is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna. He has been a visiting professor at the Université des Sciences et Technologies Lille-1 (2001, 2003), at the Université Lumière Lyon-2 (2008), and at Université Paris Descartes (2011). A. Jamie Saris is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Anthropology at the National University of Ireland-Maynooth and Co-Chair of the Combat Diseases of Poverty Consortium. He has been working more than fifteen years in medical and psychological anthropology in Ireland, North America and Africa. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 36.52 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Paul und Maggie , Paul und Maggie - Acht Beine gegen Mobbing Entdecke die aufregende Welt des zehnjährigen Pauls, der in den Tiefen seiner Ängste und Träume navigiert. Geplagt von Spott und Einsamkeit in der Schule, findet Paul Trost in seiner heimlichen Liebe zu Nina, die jedoch nichts von ihm wissen will. Doch das Schicksal hält eine überraschende Wendung bereit, als die mysteriöse Cleo und ihre faszinierende Vogelspinne Maggie in sein Leben treten. Was anfangs als Plan beginnt, mit Maggies Hilfe Respekt von seinen Mitschülern zu gewinnen, wird bald zu einer Reise der Selbstfindung und des Mutes. Als Maggie eines Tages verschwindet, steht Paul vor seiner größten Herausforderung: sich seinen Ängsten, ohne seine achtbeinige Freundin zu stellen. Wird Paul erkennen, dass der wahre Mut in ihm selbst liegt? "Maren Hardimans 'Paul' ist eine berührende Geschichte über Selbstakzeptanz, den Mut, sich Herausforderungen zu stellen, und die unerwarteten Wege der Freundschaft. Ein inspirierendes Abenteuer für junge Leser, das zeigt, wie man in sich selbst die Kraft findet, über seine Schatten zu springen." , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 21.50 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Authenticity , Brands are alienating customers by telling the wrong story and championing a false purpose. Your business can avoid the same fate, attract loyal customers, and out-narrate the competition by embracing authenticity. Equal parts provocation and exhortation, the insights of Authenticity apply to business, marketing, and life in general. Too many companies depend on marketing tactics that don't match the needs and concerns of their customers or embrace messaging and causes that don't connect. Authenticity is an anti-gimmick business book. It prescribes clear strategies that enable companies to communicate in a more genuine, emotional way. Authors Mark Toft, Jay Sunny, and Rich Taylor provide a series of approaches to help embrace and communicate the purpose of your brand with effectiveness. Whether you're a business executive who wants to be more persuasive or an advertising professional looking to grow your brand, this book combines the authors' successful experiences at top agencies into practical advice that can work for anyone in any business. Readers will learn the importance of purpose and conflict in marketing activities, how to approach advertising with clarity and passion, and how to plan content while avoiding the false allure of aspirational advertising and insincere corporate social responsibility. Inauthentic messaging can often spell failure for a business, but the company that tells a genuine, compelling story to its clients is the one that succeeds. , Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 50.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Es ist üblich, Personen, die man nicht gut kennt oder die eine höhere Position haben, zu siezen. Da Kitt Michael wahrscheinlich eine Autoritätsperson oder eine Person mit höherem Rang ist, wird er von anderen gesiezt.
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